

时间 2024年5月3日 预览 14


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The Fields Of Athenry》是一首爱尔兰民歌,背景是在1845年至1852年间的爱尔兰大饥荒年代,一个来自高威郡附近名为迈克尔的男子因为给他食不果腹的家人偷窃了食物而遭到流放至澳大利亚的故事。这首歌曲原作者是彼得·穆尼,首次被收录是在1979年丹尼·多伊尔的专辑。


附:《The Fields Of Athenry》歌词

By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young girl calling Michael, they are taking you away, For you stole Trevelyan"s corn, So the young might see the morn. Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay.

Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It"s so lonely "round the fields of Athenry.

By a lonely prison wall, I heard a young man calling Nothing matters, Mary, when you"re free Against the famine and the Crown, I rebelled, they cut me down. Now you must raise our child with dignity.

Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It"s so lonely "round the fields of Athenry.

By a lonely harbor wall, she watched the last star falling As that prison ship sailed out against the sky Sure she"ll wait and hope and pray, for her love in Botany Bay It"s so lonely "round the fields of Athenry.

It"s so lonely "round the fields of Athenry.

Low lie the fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly Our love was on the wing, we had dreams and songs to sing It"s so lonely "round the fields of Athenry.


刚才又找了22日欧冠夺冠时曼联球员一齐唱歌的那段视频,仔细听了好几遍,才听出来他们当时唱的歌曲应该是Sing Up For The Champions《为冠军豪唱》!其中重复的英文歌词部分如下:Champione, Oh Wey,Champion ,Oh Wey, Oh Wey, Oh Wey ,Oh Wey, Champione, Oh Wey,Champion ,Oh Wey, Oh Wey, Oh Wey ,Oh Wey. 这就是你后来补充的“萨奇(Champione)哦咧(Oh Wey)~!萨奇哦咧~!萨奇哦咧~!”,应该就是它了!参考资料见 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/48343065.html?si=1



1960年举行第一届,其后每四年举行一届,已举办15届。赛事创办时名称为 European Nations Cup,其后于1968年改名为European Football Championship。该项赛事最初的目的是为了填补两届世界杯之间4年的空白,从而让欧洲各国有更多的比赛机会。历届欧洲杯主题曲:
1988年西德欧洲杯的主题曲《Champions League》(联赛冠军),演唱者:圣马汀学会合唱团(The Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chorus)
1992年瑞典欧洲杯的主题曲《The kingdom of love 》 (爱的国度),演唱者:Scott Wesley Brown
1996年英格兰欧洲杯的主题曲《Football is coming home》(足球回家了)演唱者:爱玛仕乐团
2000年荷兰、比利时欧洲杯的主题曲《CampioneEURO2000》 (冠军2000)演唱者:Speech
2004年葡萄牙欧洲杯的主题曲《Forca》 (力量),演唱者:奈丽·福塔多
2008年奥地利、瑞士欧洲杯的主题曲《can you hear me》 (你能听到我吗),演唱者:安立奎·伊格莱希亚斯(Enrique Iglesias)
2012年波兰、乌克兰欧洲杯的主题曲《Endless Summer》 (无尽的夏天),演唱者:Oceana
2016年法国欧洲杯的主题曲《This One"s For You》(这是给你的),演唱者:瑞典女歌手Zara Larsson


赛事: 在线直播

